Yes, that's right. We listened to gangsta rap while baking. That's how I roll.
First of all, I should start off by saying what we made looks nothing like the pictures below. Stupid me forgot to take pictures of it, I really should have. I made these with my friend M last week and had quite an adventure.
We started off having problems at the very beginning because beating butter and sugar together with a hand mixer, and not a great hand mixer, is hard to begin with. Oops, ended that sentence with a preposition, oh well. Butter and sugar pieces get all over the place and then add to that the fact that we were mixing in a shallow bowl---yea, okay, you get the picture. We decided to prematurely add in the eggs because we figured a little liquid would help the process. To a certain extent, we were right. It did help, but it was still annoying and piece-y. I added in the flour mixture a portion at a time because the mixture became so thick it was difficult to mix. Even if I had a better hand mixer the mixture was still extremely difficult to work with. Obviously this made filling the baking tin a lengthy process, in and of itself. The batter was simply an unwieldy batter which seemed to resent being handled.
This recipe actually only turned out about 18 cupcakes. Maybe we made them too big? M had a nice baking tray that were upside down rose shapes and those turned out beautiful, even though I've yet to see a green rose. They were a beautiful light golden :)
Even though these looked quite interesting, they tasted wonderful, however nothing like cupcakes. They were more scone in consistency and that may have been in part to the fact that we didn't spoon flour into the measuring cup as is the standard. But still, three cups of flour is quite a lot. I was also surprised at the large quantity of sugar as well (not to mention butter), but we imagined it had to do with balancing out the natural bitterness of the Matcha. I've never thought to cook with Matcha Tea so this was an entirely new and fun experience for me.
We didn't even bother making the frosting, the scone-cupcakes were sweet enough on their own, and too dense anyway to be cupcakes. It really just wasn't necessary.
With that said, I would not make this again. The batter was maddeningly thick and annoying to handle. The sheer quantity of butter, flour, and sugar in this recipe was also a little too much for me. But overall, it did taste quite good.
4 stars out of 5 (docked for annoying batter-ness).
Below from here.

Matcha Cupcakes
from Cupcake Bake Shop by Chockolyt
Matcha Green Tea Cupcakes
* 24 cupcake papers or 1/2 sheet pan / 350 degree oven
* 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
* 2 cups sugar
* 2 large eggs
* 2 large egg yolks
* 3 cups all-purpose flour
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1/8 teaspoon salt
* 1 cup milk
* 2 tablespoons matcha tea
For Cupcakes
* Beat butter on high until soft, about 30 seconds.
* Add sugar. Beat on medium-high until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
* Add eggs/egg yolks one at a time, beat for 30 seconds between each.
* Whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt in a bowl. Add to batter and mix to combine.
* Mix matcha in with the milk. Add to the batter and mix until combine.
* Scoop batter into prepared into cupcake papers.
* Bake for 22-25 minutes until a cake tester comes out clean.
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